Why Take Private Lessons?

  • Even if you are taking orchestra or a strings class at school, it is very helpful to also take private lessons. You will
  • get constant one-on-one attention that will be catered completely to your strengths and weaknesses. That personal attention will help you advance much faster, give you more confidence on your instrument and make playing your instrument more enjoyable!
  • Many of the advanced orchestra classes offered by middle and high schools require or strongly suggest that students also be taking private lessons in order to play in that orchestra. Also, area youth orchestras also have private instruction as a requirement before a student may audition.
  • It has been proven that students who study music earn higher scores on tests and do better in school than those who have never played an instrument. Learning an instrument also develops advanced hand-eye coordination and higher level thinking abilities. Many doctors, lawyers, scientists and business managers also play instruments or have studied one while in school.
  • Playing an instrument requires practice, but it is also a lot of fun! Many musicians have said it is an extremely gratifying experience to be involved in creating and performing music. It is a completely different experience than just listening to it in the audience. Playing an instrument also gives you the opportunity to perform with your friends in chamber groups. These groups can be a lot of fun and you can also learn at the same time!